
  • 390 members

About us


Our y-DNA results are displayed on the Family Tree DNA website in both "Classic" and "Colorized" versions.  The results are analyzed and sorted into "Lineages" based on predicted relationships determined by each member's individual genetic profile.  The Colorized version (pictured below) highlights changes ("mutations") for each marker compared to the mode, whereas the Classic version omits the highlighting.  The mutations can identify not only lineages, but also various branches within lineages.  Members of the Mueller Project are the only ones able to view all results.  If you're a member of the Mueller Project, you will need to be logged into your FTDNA kit first, as some results are shared only with other Mueller Project members.

  • Haplogroup - Results are grouped by Haplogroup.
  • Lineage - Men who match at least 23/25, 33/37, 62/67, or 100/111 are grouped within the same Lineage.  Note that the y-DNA-37 test is generally considered the entry-level test for identifying matches whose shared patriarch lived within a genealogically-meaningful timeframe.
  • Possibly same Lineage - Men who match a Lineage closely enough at 12 markers are considered possible matches to that Lineage.  Twelve markers are simply not enough to be sure that there is a shared common ancestor, but the possibility definitely exists.  In addition, men who are just outside the range to be considered part of a particular Lineage may be categorized here because it's possible that if they upgraded to more markers, they would match.
  • No match yet in the Project - Members who don't yet match anyone else in the Mueller Project are grouped here.  In time, as more men test, if they match another Mueller Project member at 25 markers or above, they will be assigned to a new Lineage within their Haplogroup.
  • Mutation color coding - Color coding is used to mark the mutations (differences) from each Haplogroup profile.

  • Mueller Haplogroups

    A haplogroup is a genetic population of a large group of people who share a common ancestor, analogous to a huge clan (like Celts or Vikings).  It can be viewed as a tree ("haplotree") with many limbs and branches.  Our results to date demonstrate that our participants are spread across six overarching haplogroups.  About 65% of us are from Haplogroup R, about 16% are from Haplogroup I, about 7% are from Haplogroup J, about 6% are from Haplogroup G, and the remaining 6% are from Haplogroups EN, and T.  Of those in Haplogroup R, almost all are in R1b.  Family Tree DNA's migration map for Haplogroup R is shown below.