Texas State Genealogical Society and Early Texans DNA Project
  • 1096 members

About us

The Early Texans DNA Project is a sub-group of the Texas State Genealogical Society (TxStateGS on Family Tree DNA, TxSGS elsewhere) Project for qualifying descendants of those who settled in Texas by 31 December 1900.

We look forward to helping our members locate information needed to analyze their DNA test results to answer genealogical questions and to learn all we can about our Texas pioneer ancestors. Links to articles on DNA and genetic genealogy can be found near the bottom of the web page at http://www.txsgs.org/programs/dna-project/ordering-dna-kits/.

Information on the Early Texans DNA Project is available at


If you wish to have your DNA analyzed as part of the Early Texans DNA Project, please submit the application form found at http://www.txsgs.org/TSGS/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/TxSGS_DNA_application.pdf if you have not yet done so. Submission of the PDF lineage form includes permission to analyze your DNA data and lineage.

If you tested elsewhere, you may still join the project by downloading your raw DNA data and create an account with FamilyTreeDNA, instructions located at this link:


If you have multiple lineages of early Texas pioneers please submit one form for each line, but you can submit the forms as completed. It is not necessary to submit all Texas lines at one time. By completing the fillable PDF form and submitting it electronically this allows us to process the submitted data automatically. You can save a copy of the file on your computer, fill it in as time allows, then submit it to dna@txsgs.org once it is completed. You can also copy and paste the information from one form to another instead of retyping the data.

When citing your sources for your ancestral links, please include enough information for the source to be located by us if we need to confirm any facts. For example, we need the bride and groom names, marriage date, county, and state where a marriage is recorded. If you know the volume and page number for a marriage record that will be useful. For a census record, we need the year, county, state, page number, and name of the head of household. Some of this information identifying the source will be obvious from the date and place information entered in the lineage form. It is not necessary to re-enter that information in the source citation field.

You will be contacted if additional information is needed. Welcome to the project and thank you for contributing to a deeper understanding of our early Texas pioneers. 

Project Administrators: Paula Perkins and Mic Barnette, dna@txsgs.org

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