
  • 66 members

About us

The ultimate goal of this project is to discover which Wertheim lines share a common direct line male ancestor and which do not.  There were many Wertheims living in the Hessen.  This project has shown us that the Wertheims of Angenrod are NOT related to the Wertheims of Hatzbach.  We also know that the Wertheims of Wehrda are NOT related to either of these famlies.   Nonetheless, as more Wertheims join our project  I expect that we will discover  groups of related Wertheims from the various villiages. 

As my own family came from Wehrda, i am especially interested in attracting Wertheims from Eschwege, Diemerode and Erdmannrode to join our project.   Eschwege records show that the Wertheims of Eschwege are descended from Schmuel who was expelled from Fulda in 1671.  In addition,  I have a document showing that there were three male Wertheims listed on the 1671 expulsion document.  These include; Schmuel, Meyer and Herz.     As Fulda is located only about 13 miles south of Wehrda and Eschwege is another 13 miles north ofWehrda, it makes sense that this is an area that one of these men may havechosen to relocate.   This area was known as the "Jew Circle" due to the largeJewish population.  The Wertheims of Wehrda are already well represented in this project.  So the only way to verify if they also came from Fulda would be to find an offspring of Schmuel of Eschwege who is willing to test his dna.

Another less importantgoal for me it to identify others from the same area who likely shared the samecommon ancestor but chose a DIFFERENT surname. Because the advent of surname for Jews is of rather recent history, it is likely that most of our matches will be with those with a very different surname.   In the town of Diemerode for example, offspring of Wolf Benjamin took the surnames; Wertheim, Amram, Heinemann and  Lowenstein.  So membership in this group won't strickly be limited tothose with the same surname if you can prove both a geographic and geneticlink.

I have quite a bit of information on many of the different WERTHEIM and WERTHEIMER lines in Germany.  In addition to the  towns already mentioned, some others include; Breitenbach am Herzberg, , Eiterfeld, Hatzbach, Karlshafen,Allendorf (Bad Sooden), Langenschwarz, and Rotenburg an der Fulda.  I do accept donations and they can be ear- marked to cover the cost of  a kit for a specific town or individual. So if your ancestor's line isn't represented in our project, please contact me and I can help you find someone who might be able to represent your line.   As Fulda is located very close to Bavaria, it is also possible that  one of the Wertheims may have moved south  where the surname WERTHEIMER is morecommon.

Here is a link to my Wertheim website.  To view a family tree for the Wertheims of Wehrda, you must go down to the PICTURE section and click on the picture of the Wertheim family tree.  It may take awhile toload.


I also have a website for my project for the Jews of Frankfurt.  This project seeks members who have a DOCUMENTED lineage along the direct male "Y" line that goes back to AT LEAST teh 17th Century.  Since Rabbi Samson Wertheimer was such an important figure in Jewish history, we are looking for more Wertheim(er) from both western and eastern europe.  Please check out my website here and contact me if you are interested!  
