
  • 66 members

About us

The closest match for the Wertheims of Hatzbach appears to be a family from Ulrichstein that chose the surnames; Reiss, Froehlich, Abraham and Stern.

Our Werthan from Rotenberg an der Fulda has had a very close match with the Rothschilds of Zeitlof/Schluchtern. As there were also Werthans in Rotenberg an der Fulda, it is likely that these Rothschilds will match the Rothschilds of Zeitlof/Schluchtern. Wertheims also lived in Rotenberg an der Fulda and we would love to find someone who can join us from that line.

We are expecting to get another sample from someone related to the Wertheims of Angenrod in November. This will help validate the results of our only "T" Haplogroup Wertheim.

I am planning to purchase in bulk (10) 12 marker kits sometime soon (Oct 2010). If you want a relative to do the test, I can sell them to you at $79 + $6 (shipping) each if you have someone that you would like to test at this low resolution. (Normal cost is $99 + $4 shipping and they are never on sale).