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Lost Tribes of Israel

(includes Khrson HaCohen and Index of Kohenite Lineages projects)
  • 408 members

About us

The Lost Tribes project is open to any person whose yDNA haplogroup is in the J-ZS222 sub-tree and select other groups. Persons seeking admission to the group must have a ydna result within one of the focus haplogroups, regardless of surname or family history. This includes all the following haplogroups as well as any sub-clades not listed here of any of the listed haplogroups (list current as of 08 Jan 2023); please do not apply to join the project unless the profile you are joining is in one of these groups, even if you have a surname match with the list below: BY110468 BY115260 BY117385 BY122853 BY123295 BY139487 BY144661 BY150107 BY153166 BY169316 BY172422 BY172425 BY174738 BY187754 BY188364 BY193654 BY196399 BY202126 BY204264 BY208094 BY208916 BY211429 BY215046 BY215334 BY215351 BY216247 BY219653 BY204264 BY25901 BY264 BY32807 BY32846 BY32847 BY32848 BY32850 BY32851 BY32854 BY37640 BY37360 BY4063 BY40162 BY55414 BY57528 BY60663 BY64521 BY65054 BY67 BY68 BY68580 BY70242 BY71444 BY72555 BY72797 BY75 BY75750 BY76 BY77 BY78 BY79 BY81739 BY83122 BY83568 BY85111 BY90673 BY92297 DC450 FGC13862 FGC13864 FGC13867 FGC13874 FGC13876 FGC13877 FGC13893 FGC17481 FGC17486 FGC17487 FGC17489 FGC17491 FGC17493 FGC23367 FGC36938 FGC41679 FGC41680 FGC41688 FGC5212 FGC5229 FGC59116 FGC59164 FGC59169 FGC60705 FGC89683 FGC93277 FGC9941 FT104457 FT107472 FT116410 FT118790 FT119531 FT119532 FT120174 FT134548 FT135352 FT140288 FT142450 FT142901 FT155078 FT155770 FT156050 FT156064 FT156088 FT156101 FT156370 FT156385 FT156903 FT157560 FT157802 FT157882 FT159488 FT16248 FT169519 FT169768 FT177535 FT194626 FT204486 FT204639 FT205144 FT205982 FT208329 FT208398 FT208595 FT208762 FT209108 FT209156 FT209222 FT209499 FT209523 FT209620 FT210093 FT210314 FT210558 FT210620 FT210649 FT210696 FT210821 FT210978 FT211139 FT211147 FT211174 FT211636 FT211689 FT211869 FT211985 FT212070 FT212247 FT213295 FT212347 FT213381 FT213483 FT213529 FT213565 FT213581 FT213695 FT213745 FT213825 FT214004 FT229969 FT229994 FT23166 FT235679 FT235823 FT236177 FT236208 FT236212 FT236278 FT236316 FT236498 FT236774 FT237387 FT237467 FT237493 FT237751 FT237757 FT238227 FT2417 FT240624 FT246135 FT250555 FT250829 FT251993 FT251378 FT252089 FT258353 FT25853 FT259808 FT260430 FT260854 FT2609 FT260991 FT261940 FT262412 FT262792 FT266880 FT2609 FT271531 FT271532 FT271534 FT271535 FT271686 FT271990 FT280381 FT294371 FT294372 FT303739 FT303756 FT30429 FT304023 FT304060 FT304205 FT304336 FT304628 FT304781 FT305396 FT305912 FT306197 FT306258 FT307152 FT307201 FT307278 FT307363 FT307472 FT307598 FT307702 FT307918 FT316221 FT340678 FT34605 FT350435 FT380097 FT380977 FT381157 FT393067 FT44685 FT452161 FT454776 FT454781 FT46689 FT40947 FT55321 FT55092 FT55321 FT59239 FT59268 FT59905 FT60337 FT7094 FT7370 FT7371 FT7463 FT7520 FT7536 FT7541 FT7909 FT7975 FT84503 FT84517 FT84813 FT84839 FT85002 FT85291 FT86459 FT88392 FT97304 FTA1409 FTA1410 FTA21766 FTA26279 FTA31480 FTA42029 FTA54848 FTA44754 FTA47572 FTA47578 FTA60341 FTA60943 FTA61016 FTA61218 FTA72311 FTA72391 FTA74097 FTA848 FTA95082 FTB57936 FTB58822 FTB68496 FTB68546 FTB92894 FTC36696 FTC73153 FTC96043 FTD8713 FTD8714 M267 MF177467 MF73519 PF2411 S10608 S12192 S15852 S17446 S18003 S19350 S24930 V1662 Y100946 Y103906 Y106932 Y110867 Y111336 Y111443 Y111463 Y113483 Y128897 Y131865 Y131867 Y131868 Y13968 Y142158 Y142159 Y142193 Y142202 Y142238 Y142248 Y142259 Y142262 Y142275 Y142280 Y142306 Y142323 Y142334 Y142341 Y142342 Y142362 Y143142 Y146893 Y146901 Y162879 Y167446 Y176982 Y188414 Y188457 Y191714 Y196438 Y196545 Y205649 Y205723 Y205959 Y206115 Y270444 Y27527 Y3088 Y5402 Y5408 Y69445 Y81349 Y81787 Y89545 Y93388 Y95585 Y99322 Z18271 Z18272 Z18283 Z18286 Z18287 Z18288 Z18289 Z18290 Z28541 Z34021 ZQ152 ZS10316 ZS10317 ZS10318 ZS10319 ZS10440 ZS10441 ZS10442 ZS10443 ZS10444 ZS10445 ZS11006 ZS11007 ZS11008 ZS11010 ZS11011 ZS11012 ZS11209 ZS11210 ZS11211 ZS11213 ZS11214 ZS222 ZS228 ZS231 ZS2357 ZS2358 ZS2359 ZS2360 ZS2361 ZS2366 ZS2367 ZS2368 ZS2369 ZS237 ZS2370 ZS2371 ZS2373 ZS2374 ZS2375 ZS2379 ZS238 ZS2382 ZS2383 ZS2385 ZS2386 ZS2387 ZS2388 ZS2401 ZS2408 ZS2415 ZS2417 ZS243 ZS2431 ZS2432 ZS2434 ZS2435 ZS2437 ZS2439 ZS2441 ZS2443 ZS2444 ZS2446 ZS2447 ZS2449 ZS2458 ZS2461 ZS2462 ZS2468 ZS2469 ZS2471 ZS3664 ZS3665 ZS3666 ZS3680 ZS4340 ZS4341 ZS4342 ZS4343 ZS4344 ZS4345 ZS5274 ZS5275 ZS5276 ZS8006 ZS9486 ZS9487 ZS9488 ZS9489 ZS9490 ZS9491 ZS9492 ZS9493 ZS9494 ZS9495 ZS9496 ZS9497 Additionally, 1) anyone displaying the Cohanic Modal Haplotype, regardless of their haplogroup is also welcomed to join, and 2) anyone with a direct ancestor having one of the surnames mentioned in this profile, and who is in one of the haplogroups under study, is welcomed to join. If you are not certain of your haplogroup but have reason to believe it will be within this region, I will verify it for you upon joinder For an explanation of the research strategy for the Lost Tribes project please review Part 3 of this presentation:!AuwT-4qnkJLBnTbpH6Sh6TRWYoAk. Researchers may be interested in the project papers exploring the group's Cohanic lineage and deep ancestry:, and . For convenience sake, the Lost Tribes Project has been consolidated with another closely related project which I administer at FTDNA (formerly known as the Khrszn HaCohen Family Project).