
O'Shea, Shea, Shee, McShea Male Line Ancestry
  • 284 members

About us

Welcome to the O'Shea yDNA Surname Project. Males with the surname O'Shea, Shea, Shay, O'Shee, McShea or any variant, are encouraged to participate in this exciting yDNA (y-chromosome DNA) surname project. The O'Shea yDNA Surname Project is for males only as only males have yDNA (y-chromosome DNA). Members need to order a yDNA (y-chromosome DNA) test in order to participate in the project. yDNA is passed from father to son, generation to generation so it helps to trace male lines. Shaws and other males who have a male Shea ancestry are also included in the project. Females are very welcome to add a male O'Shea relative to represent their O'Shea family line. We look forward to hearing from you.
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