St George Y-DNA

St George, St Jore, Laporte, Sergerie paternal lines worldwide
  • 8 members

About us

The St George surname, variants, and aliases have been traced to several progenitors by participants in this project:

1. Jacques Laporte dit St-Georges (French Canadian, born 1627 France)

2. Pierre Laporte dit St-Georges (French Canadian, born in France)

3. Louis de St Jore dit Sergerie (French Canadian, born 1704, Basse-Normandie, France)

4. Julien de St Jore (born about 1695, Cerisy la-Salle, Basse-Normandie, France)

5. Nicholas Jorre de St Jorre (born about 1640, Brittany, France)

6. John St George (born 1814, Kilkenny, Ireland)

7. Various St. Georges of the United Kingdom believed to be of Norman origin arriving in Ireland and England by the beginning of the 12th century.

Other St. George families are also welcome to join this project and contribute to the diversity of the project goals.