St George Y-DNA

St George, St Jore, Laporte, Sergerie paternal lines worldwide
  • 8 members

About us

Up to date as of 3 August 2023

Results of this project will be posted here in the order they were received and analyzed. The goal here is to look at practical genealogical relationships between individuals and families, rather than to get into too much technical genetic analysis. Updates and revisions will be continuous. When any changes are made the date of update will change. Please see the Y-DNA Results Page for charts which show the raw data.

Also keep an eye on the Activity Feed for updates and feel free to post notes of your own there.

1. Louis St. Jorre dit Sergerie of La Rochelle, Manche, Normandy, France, born 1704.

In March of 2006 we received the results for kit numbers 42310 and 45343 match on 36 of 37 markers - a genetic distance of 1. Both project participants with kit numbers 42310 and 45343 have solid paper evidence for their descent from Louis St. Jore dit Sargerie, the pregenitor of all Quebec Sergerie families and St Jore families, some of which anglicized the name to St George, others which changed the name to St Jacques. Louis de St Jore dit Sergerie and his wife Jeanne Le Buffe left France and settled in Quebec about 1747.

The genetic match between these participants really nails down their genetic relationship to Louis St. Jorre dit Sergerie. This genetic match also establishes the y-chromosome markers against which other descendants of Louis St. Jorre dit Sergerie may compare their test results!

In addition to this finding, member 42310 also found another Y-DNA genetic match through with another Saint George male who descends from Louis de St Jore dit Sergerie. This Mr. Saint George's family moved from Quebec to the United States and anglicized the name to Saint George. This genetic match further establishes Y-DNA markers for descendants of Louis de St Jorre dit Sargerie. This gentleman has since joined this project too (Kit N25419).

2. Julien de St. Jore of Cerisy La Salle, Manche, Normandy, France, born circa 1700.

Later in March of 2006 we received the results for kit number 46491. This participant is descended from Julien de St. Jore. We expected to find a match here between kit numbers 46491, 42310, and 45343 because the two ancestors, Julien de St. Jore and Louis St. Jorre dit Sergerie, have been traced to the same small area of France at about the same time frame. However, there is no genetic match. This member's haplogroup is E-M35.

This participant is now deceased.

Other descendants of Julien de St Jore are needed for project participation to further interpret these results.

3. John St George of Kilkenny, Ireland, born about 1821.

In 2015 we received the results for kit number 365664. This participant descends from a John St George of Kilkenny, Ireland who emigrated to Australia in 1842. John was the son of Edward St George.

No genetic match was found with other project participants.

We are still hoping for more descendants of Irish St George families to participate in this project. One such family is known to exist in Minnesota. Michael St George also of Kilkenny, Ireland, born about 1817, emigrated to the United States and settled in Minnesota by about 1860.

4. Nicholas Jorre of Brittany, France, born about 1650.

In 2015 we received the results for kit number 400368. This participant descends from Nicholas de St Jore of Brittany, France through his son Guillaume Jorre de St Jorre.

There was no genetic match to other participants who had ancestors from nearby departments of France. This result shows that there were at least 2 genetically unrelated de St Jore or de St Jorre families living in the north of France in the 17th century. Individuals who descend from a de St Jorre ancestor should not assume that there is a relationship to any other de St Jorre they may find.

We hope for more participation by qualifying candidates for all families with these surnames and their variants.

5. Jacques de La Porte dit St-Georges, France and Quebec

A new participant in 2018 with kit number IN16143 descends from the first Laporte dit St-Georges in Quebec. Jacques de La Porte dit St-Georges was born March 5, 1627 in Noce in France and immigrated to Quebec by 1653. We are delighted to have a member of this large group from Quebec participating in the project and hope that more will join so that Y-DNA markers can be established for Jacques's descendants.

On February 18, 2022 a new member also descended from Jacques Laporte dit St-Georges (Kit 936178) found a match with the owner of Kit IN16143.

On August 3, 2023 our newest member (Kit IN129629) found matches with our two previous members in the Jacques La Porte dit St-Georges subgroup.