St George Y-DNA

St George, St Jore, Laporte, Sergerie paternal lines worldwide
  • 8 members

About us

3 August 2023

Results are in for a new member who descends from Jacques Laporte dit St-Georges. Please welcome the owner of Kit IN129629. Please see the updated results chart

Also keep an eye on the Activity Feed for updates and feel free to post notes of your own there.

18 February 2022

Today we welcome a new member to the St George Y-DNA surname project. Thank you for joining! Please welcome the owner of Kit 936178, another descendant of Jacques dit Laporte dit St-Georges who migrated from Nocé, France to Montréal, Canada in the 17th century. He is a genetic match to another project member who descends from Jacques Laporte dit St-Georges

12 February 2022

We're hoping to expand the project here a little by reaching out to matches to current project members. Membership is free to qualifying Y-DNA testers with a qualifying surname lineage. Your participation can make an invaluable contribution to ongoing research of any of these family names. Thank you!

28 January 2020

I'll be making several updates to content for the project website over the next few days.

I decided to turn on the Activity Feed which is sort of a message board function, just to see if members find it useful.

As usual it's been slow work finding new participants for the project. I started this St George and variant surnames project in 2005, so I know how much patience can be required before important matches turn up and new participants decide that the Y-DNA test might be helpful. I will be working to reach out to new participants in the coming year.