Jubbie Genealogy

Genetic Genealogy Project
  • 22 members

About us

Welcome to Jubbie Genealogy, a genetic genealogy project, otherwise known as a DNA project. This “family finding” project was set up with the purpose of researching the genetic lineages of the Jubbie family to find previously unknown ancestors and descendants or other relations of the family. Please be sure to read the "Background" tab as this section contains some important information about George Jubbie's known family history and Lizzie Mary Thomas's known family history. Please note that this group is neither a surname related group nor a haplogroup related group. Rather, it is predominantly a family finding group for those with proven genetic matches to the key individuals concerned. George Jubbie alias George Strange, 1893-1959, was an orphan, his wife, Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Lizzie Davies, 1892-1959, was fostered. The main aim of the Jubbie Genealogy Project is to analyse DNA from any of George and Lizzie's known descendants, or other genetically related individuals. This should allow us to discover their true birth lineages by comparing the shared genetic profiles for any commonality, including proven yDNA matches, or mtDNA matches, or atDNA matches to rediscover mutual common ancestry. Known/Confirmed Descendant Surnames: Askham, Bajic, Beards, Brown, Caswell, Cook, Dayman, Dixon, Durant, Etoll, Gardella, Gibbs, Harwood, Hornibrook, Howell, Hume, Jakab, Jacques, Jessep, Jones, Jubbie, Kilby, Little, Lomita, Matthews, Morgan, Mulligan, Nash, Pegram, Perkins, Potter, Richards, Sharpe, Shirley, Smith, Southcott, Voss, Wares, West, Wheatley. Known/Confirmed Ancestral Surnames: Davies, Duckett, Edmond/Edmund, Jones, Jubbie, Morgan, Morris, Nichols/Nicholls, Pickett/Piggott, Ridge, Robert(s), Rogers, Smith, Stamp, Strange, Thomas, Walter(s). Matching but Unconfirmed/Unproven Names: Adkison/Atkinson, Bell, Cobb, Hudson, Kendall, Kennedy, Newman, Seaton. Joining Information: If you would like to join the Jubbie Genealogy Project then please use JOIN tab which is provided above in blue or go to this link: https://www.familytreedna.com/group-join-request.aspx?group=JubbieGenealogy&vGroup=jubbie-genealogy , then enter your username and password under option A. If you have any questions regarding this project or this website then please contact the administrator using the email address listed to the left of this page. For further details of Family Tree DNA's various testing products and prices please visit their main page. Prices begin as low as $69 and please note that members of this genetic genealogy project will be eligible for member discounts starting at a $10 minimum. DNA samples for genetic genealogy purposes are extracted painlessly from cheek cells using a type of toothed cotton bud which is rubbed vigorously on the inside of the donor's cheeks. Please see FTDNAs main webpage for some useful instructions on how to 'correctly' collect your own DNA sample. The group administrator of "Jubbie Genealogy" is a member of the International Society of Genetic Genealogy and also registered with The Surname Society as a surname project member. The administrator of this genetic genealogy project are not paid, or employee, or affiliated with Family Tree DNA, GenebyGene, or National Geographic's Genographic Project. All donations to the general fund are most welcome and donations can be made using the link to the left of this page Jubbie Genealogy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.familytreedna.com/privacy-policy.aspx "Any Information and/or data obtained from "Jubbie Genealogy" must be attributed to the group administrator(s) as outlined in the Creative Commons License. Please notify the administrator when using data for public or private research" © 2013 https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/jubbie-genealogy All Rights Reserved
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