Jubbie Genealogy

Genetic Genealogy Project
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Narrative Family History - Progenitor of the Jubbie Family Surname:

The descendants of the Jubbie family surname were begun just over one hundred years ago with the marriage of George Jubbie alias Strange and Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Davies in 1913 and the subsequent birth of their first-born son in 1914.  Since then, over 180 of their descendants have been born, spread across six generations, of which around only 50 individuals are still living and bearing the Jubbie surname today.  This makes the Jubbie surname among one of the most unique and rarest surnames in the world today.  The following story is about the progenitor of this rare family name and details the challenges faced and discoveries made during the research process into this Jubbie surname study.

George Jubbie alias George Strange never knew his parents.  During his lifetime he told family that he was a foundling and that he had been left outside of a church convent and then brought up at a boys home.  He had recalled memories of his mother being surrounded by lots of flowers and also of several ladies wearing brightly coloured dresses who would dote on him greatly.  He also recalled growing up around the Chelsea area of London which was apparently the reason for him becoming a supporter of Chelsea Football Club.  Until very recently though, no documents had been found linking George to any parents, and no documentary evidence had been discovered to show that he was a foundling, or lived at Chelsea.


The earliest document discovered during the research that the name ‘George Jubbie’ appeared in was an admission register for Clifton Certified Industrial School for Boys in Bristol Gloucestershire England.  It recorded that 'George Jubbie alias Strange' was committed to the school under 'section XIV of the Industrial Schools Act', this section XIV of the industrial schools act meant that he was not a juvenile criminal but that he was at great risk of becoming one, he must have been found homeless, or begging, or in the company of reputed thieves or in the company of reputed prostitutes in order to be committed to the school under this piece of legislation.  This register also recorded that his date of birth "by warrant" was 10.10.1893 and that he had been admitted on 03.08.1900.  Some surviving minute books from the Clifton Certified Industrial Boys School dutifully recorded that "one new boy was bought before the committee, Geo. Jubbie from London", dated 18 September 1900.  The 1901 census also recorded, George Jubbie alias Strange, an "inmate", aged 7, from London.  He was one of the youngest boys in the whole institution; many other boys staying there were much older than him.  A list of rules still exists for the school and lists in great detail the type of education and vocational training that George received during his time at the boys home.  Much to my annoyance all other records for the boy’s school were destroyed by fire during the bombing blitz of world war two. 

The records that have survived raise an important question; why did George seem to use two different surnames?  To answer this question it is necessary to examine the circumstances of the time.  George was allegedly 6 years and 10 months old when he was sent to the certified industrial school, though he was probably much younger when abandoned/deserted/found at the church convent, maybe as young as 2 or 3 years old.  Understandably, he might not have known his real name, age or birthday so he could have made that all up.  Alternatively, it could have been a nickname or maybe someone in authority bestowed the name upon him.  Or, perhaps one was his mother’s surname and the other his father’s.  

After an exhaustive search for all known surname variants for Jubbie and Strange during the early 1890s, and in the Civil Birth Registration Indexes of England and Wales, the original birth entry for George Jubbie alias George Strange seems to have finally been found after years of searching for it.  One entry indexed at the General Register Office of England and Wales for the December quarter of 1893 reads; Reuben George H STRANGE, district of St Geo H Sq, volume 1a, page 440.  The actual birth certificate itself reads; Registration District of St George Hanover Square, Birth in the sub-district of St John Westminster, in the County of London, No 483, born 6th October 1893 at 7 Frederick Street, Reuben George Henry, no father entered, illegitimate son of Ellen STRANGE, a general dealer, of 7 Frederick Street Westminster, registered on 15th November 1893.

The reasons that this is believed to be his original birth are threefold.  Primarily, that this birth entry is as close to his alleged birth date as was possible to find, just four days apart only.  Secondarily, it is seemingly registered in the right area of London that he had vaguely remembered being in as a young boy.  Lastly, the birth was illegitimate with no father named, which ties in with there being no father’s name mentioned on his marriage certificate too.  However, this birth certificate is not conclusive evidence, it does raise some doubts.  Firstly, the primary forename recorded was Reuben not George, however, it is widely accepted that common practice during the Victorian and Edwardian era was for people to adopt their second or middle name as their proper name in everyday use.  Secondly, it would seem from this document that the alias surname of Strange was actually his mother’s surname, so where then did the Jubbie surname come from?  Perhaps it was simply a nickname, or some corruption of Reuben.  Perhaps it was later discovered that his father’s surname was Jubbie, but then if that was the case why was this not recorded on his marriage certificate?

To hopefully counteract these doubts, further research was conducted for Reuben and Ellen Strange in the records still available.  With Reuben George Henry, it quickly became apparent that he could not be traced in the UK census records for 1901 or 1911, so perhaps he had died already by then, but no death record could be found for him anywhere in the UK indexes.  There were birth, census, and death records documented for ‘another’ Reuben Strange born around the same time, but this turned out to be a completely different Reuben Strange who was born, lived and died in Lincolnshire, England.  So, what had become of Reuben George Henry?  He had been born illegitimately and so it was fair to surmise that he may have spent some time in a workhouse or similar such institution in the area that he was born.  The districts of St George Hanover Square and St John Westminster were part of St George’s Poor Law Union in London and served by the Fulham Road Workhouse in Westminster.  Records for this institution still exist and sure enough a thorough search of these workhouse documents found that Reuben & Ellen were in and out of the Fulham Road Workhouse on numerous occasions from January 1895 through to April 1895.  

The workhouse creed registers, admission registers, and discharge records, all recorded the same details for the mother and son as follows; Ellen Strange, class 5, born 1861, a general dealer, single, Roman Catholic, admitted by self, admitted from the parish of St Margaret, and also, Reuben Strange, class 9, born October 1893, Illegitimate, Roman Catholic, admitted by Mother, admitted from the Parish of St Margaret.  What became of mother and son after being in the workhouse then?  It had already been established that Reuben George Henry was no-where to be found in the census records, nor in the marriage or death records, nor in any emigration records leaving the country either.  It was fair to surmise therefore that he might have assumed another name or been given another identity by someone, the educated guess concluded from this was that Reuben George Henry Strange became known as George Jubbie alias Strange.  This conclusion is based both on the evidence which can be found and that which cannot be found.  

Next, to discover what became of his single mother Ellen Strange.  It could be argued that only one particular person was found that ‘fit-the-bill’, so to speak.  The 1901 census for Bethnal Green London, 56 Quilter Street, was occupied by four spinster sisters;  Elizabeth Strange, 40, housekeeper, born Newbury Berkshire;  Hellen Strange, 38, paper box maker born Newbury Berkshire;  Kate Strange, 36, paper box maker, born Newbury Berkshire; and Mary Strange, 36, tea packer grocer, born Bethnal Green London.  The 1911 census documented that the four sisters were still living at the same address, engaged in the same occupations, and still single spinsters.  Searching back to the 1891 census again recorded these ‘Strange’ spinster sisters living at the same address, two of them were domestic servants, and the other two were paper box makers, the only difference being that their widowed father was head of the household, Henry E Strange, widow, 71, carpenter, born Oxford.

Interestingly, one of the earliest memories recounted by George Jubbie was that of his mother being surrounded by lots of flowers and several ladies wearing brightly coloured dresses who would dote on him greatly.  Perhaps this household of four spinster sisters was the one that had sparked George’s earliest memory of ladies in brightly coloured dresses?  It would be really nice to think these theories to be the case, but of course it is pure speculation and can never be proven either way.  Coincidentally, maps of that area show that the west end of Quilter Street in Bethnal Green London was occupied by the Columbia Road Flower Market.  Perhaps this flower market also accounts for George’s memory of his mother being surrounded by flowers?  Yet again though, this is speculation and can never be proven either way.  Lastly, George had always said that he was a supporter of Chelsea Football Club because he remembered growing up in that area of London; Chelsea Football Club (Stamford Bridge) is adjacent to Fulham Road where the Fulham Road Workhouse had been that George spent time in, and the old workhouse building is now in fact used as the Westminster and Chelsea Hospital.  This is further evidence which suggests that this research is on the right track.  Whatever the truth may have been, according to the other records available for the Strange family, the four girls had lost their mother when she died in 1878, and by the 1890s their widowed father was in his 70s until he too died in 1894 aged 74.

Therefore, if this ‘Hellen’ or ‘Ellen’ was indeed Reuben’s mother, then this families set of circumstances certainly go a long way to explaining why she ended up in the workhouse with Reuben George Henry, and also to possibly explain why she could not have kept him or cared for him herself.  With regards to completing the picture on Ellen Strange, no other information post 1911 could be found for her except for her death during the first quarter of 1913 at Bethnal Green London.  So, for further clarification it was necessary to focus on researching for her further extended family instead and here is what was found:

1. Henry Edward Strange, was born in 1819 at Oxford Oxfordshire, the illegitimate son of Martha Strange, and he died in 1894 at Bethnal Green London.  His wife was Mary Pickett, born 1824 at Hermitage Berkshire, married in 1851 at Wantage Berkshire, and died in 1878 at Bethnal Green.  They had six children together; 

2. Martha Ann, born 1852 at Newbury Berkshire, died aged 17 in 1869 at Abingdon Berkshire.  

3. Elizabeth, born 1854 at Newbury, died a spinster in 1929 at Bethnal Green London.

4. Henry Edward, born 1857 at Newbury, married Eliza Mary Dawson in 1883 at Hackney London, she died in 1901 at Hackney.  He remarried in 1911 at Hackney, to Margaret Ann Cullum, she died in 1935 and he died in 1936, both at Clapton Middlesex.  Henry & Eliza had three children together; Henry Edward Dawson, 1884-1905, at Hackney; Maud Helen, 1886-1910, at Hackney; and Ralph Morton Strange, at Hackney in 1888, Ralph Morton emigrated to Canada in 1911.  He married Louise Florian Alexander at Vancouver British Columbia, he died in 1959 and she in 1977, both at Vancouver, they had no issue.

5. Ellen, born 1859 in Newbury Berkshire, died in 1913 at Bethnal Green, illegitimate son Reuben George Henry Strange, born 1893 in Westminster London, whereabouts unknown but probably became known by the name of George Jubbie alias George Strange.

6. Kate, born 1861 at Newbury, died a spinster in 1927 at Bethnal Green London.

7. Mary, born 1867 at Bethnal Green, died a spinster in 1923 at Bethnal Green.

Some interesting side notes are regarding the children that George Jubbie eventually had.  His first daughter was named Kate, his second daughter named Maud and his third daughter named Mary.  These were not traditional Welsh names such as the other names chosen for his children; Brinley, Eluned, Emlyn and Howell.  While his first-born grandchild, eldest daughter of Kate, was also named Helen.  So, perhaps these English named individuals Kate, Mary, Maud and Helen were simply named by tradition after Reuben’s/George’s mother and aunts.  That would be a fair assumption in any case.  Now that this introduction into the Strange surname branch is completed the focus can now be turned back to that documented about George Jubbie alias George Strange himself. 

[UPDATE: autosomal DNA match has since been discovered which conclusively proves by DNA the theoretical link between the Jubbie/Strange family and the Pickett/Piggott family.  Please read the 'Results Tab' post dated 24/10/2017 for further details of this update].

During the 1890s and early 1900s certified industrial schools, such as the one that George was sent to,  were only meant for boys up to the age of sixteen by which time they were expected to work in a trade that they had been taught at the school.  In April 1909, six months before his sixteenth birthday George was licensed out as a farm labourer, and like many orphan boys he was sent to South Wales to work on the farms there.  This was recorded in the second half of the school register that was previously discovered which dutifully noted that he received four payments or 'licensing allowances' during his first few months of new employment, the last of which he received in December 1909.  The school minutes also recorded that on the 6th April 1909 "G. Jubbie who is leaving the school came before the committee".  So, George was now out on his own in the world with no friends or known family to help guide him in life.  Two years later when the 1911 census took place, George was living in a small rural village of Merthyr St Envail just a few miles to the south-west of Carmarthen in south Wales.  He was listed as a servant, aged seventeen, living in the home of a widowed farmer named Anne Thomas where he worked as a farm labourer.  Strangely, George recorded that he did not come from London as previous records had, but rather that he was born in France with French Nationality, but that he could only speak English language and not any Welsh.  So, perhaps this meant that his Jubbie surname was of French origin.  Two years later George would meet his future wife.


Deep in the valleys of South Wales between the towns of Carmarthen and Llanelli lies a small village called Crwbin.  This quaint little village is within the ancient parish of Llangyndeyrn town which itself is situated in the beautiful valley of Gwendraeth Fach.  A Welsh woman called Catherine Davies, lived in this village, in a detached cottage called “Brynbach" and this was situated on the top of a small mountain known locally as 'Mynydd Llangendeyrn'.  In the year 1896, spinster Catherine enrolled her four year old foster-daughter called Lizzie Mary Thomas into the local primary school at the nearby village of Bancffosfelen.  According to the school admissions register her date of birth was 3rd June 1892, she was living at Brynbach, and her parent/guardian was Catherine Davies.  By the time of the 1901 census, Catherine Davies was still living at Brynbach cottage, as her parents had before her from at least as early as 1828!  In the 1901 census Catherine was recorded as a single mother, aged 55, a charwoman, with two children, a son called Howell Davies aged 25 and also a daughter called Lizzie Davies aged 10 years old.  So, Catherine was now calling her foster-daughter Lizzie by the foster-surname of "Davies", rather than her alleged birth surname Thomas.  

Ten years later in the 1911 census the Davies family were still living at Brynbach Cottage.  Howell Davies had by now married a lady named Martha Williams and they had a two year old daughter Catherine Mary but had also lost two children that died during infancy, one was Thomas John Davies and the other remains unknown but presumably must have been a stillbirth and so would not have been recorded in the birth or death indexes at that time in our history.  Lizzie Davies alias Lizzie Mary Thomas had left home and Catherine was instead fostering a five year old boy named Bertie Emanuel.  Bertie was the great-grand-nephew of Catherine, by her brother John Davies, and John's daughter and son-in-law Owen and Anne Emanuel nee Davies, Anne appeared to have died in childbirth with Bertie in 1905.  Perhaps Lizzie was related to Catherine in a similar way too although research has not yet found any blood relationship.  Lizzie was now living and working as a labourer on a nearby farm called "Gwndwn Mawr", but she had reverted back to her birth surname of Thomas.  Presumably, she had been told of her foster-ship into the Davies family by Catherine and Howell sometime between 1901 and 1911.  Another two years later, in 1913, and Lizzie was living and working as a domestic labourer at another nearby farm called "Torcoed Ganol", on that farm that she met a young farm labourer, a twenty year old man by the name of George Jubbie.  

[UPDATE: with further research a hypothesis has been produced which possibly identifies the birth parents of Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Lizzie Davies, 1892-1959.  For further information of this update please navigate to the 'Results Tab' post dated 25/01/2016 to read the proposed hypothesis].

It was during the winter of 1913 that George and Lizzie Mary became married.  They married at Carmarthen Registry Office where her foster-brother Howell Davies was a witness to the solemnization of their marriage together with another witness by the name of David Daniels whose relationship is yet unknown.  Lizzie got married not using her foster-surname Davies but using her birth surname Thomas.  She also recorded her father's name as Tom Thomas, so this must have been a name that Catherine and/or Howell had told to Lizzie as being her original birth father.  George Jubbie did not list any name for his father, as he never knew who his father was, nor his mother either.  In 1914 Lizzie and George had their first-born child, a son called Brinley, at Brynbach, Mountain, Crwbin.  In 1916 they had their first-born daughter, ‘Kate’ Laura, (perhaps named after his aunt?) born at Melbourne House, Bancffosfelen.  In 1917 they moved back to Crwbin to Cwrt Cottage, a stone barn-house, nearby to some ancient chapel ruins known locally as "Capel Dyddgen".  In 1918, they had another daughter, Eluned ‘Maud’ (perhaps named after his other aunt?) and in 1920 another named ‘Mary’ Hannah (perhaps named after his other aunt?).  Sadly, in 1921, Eluned Maud died from laryngitis and stomatitus just 3 years old and was buried at the local chapel cemetery, the very first burial at a newly opened cemetery in the village.  They somehow overcome their loss because one year later in 1922 a second son Emlyn was born.  In 1924 they had another son, ‘Howell’ John (seemingly named after Lizzie's foster-brother).  Then in 1926 Lizzie suffered the trauma of a stillbirth, which went unrecorded in certificates back then, but for which a cemetery burial was recorded, again at the local burial ground of Ebenezer Independent Chapel.  Then in 1929 Lizzie gave birth to her eighth and final child, a son, Desmond, thus completing the very first generation of the Jubbie family.


After their marriage and during the 1910s and 1920s, while they were still living at Cwrt Cottage, George had stopped working the land on the farms and had instead begun working down the mines as a coal hewer.  Presumably, this was better paid and more permanent than casual farming work, which would have been very seasonal, mainly harvest time and lambing/calving season, and so on.  Lizzie of course was a stay-at-home housewife with seven youngsters to look after, to keep clothed and fed.  Coal mining though was a dangerous job and once led to George suffering a major injury, some coal apparently slid back down the top hole and hit George with enough force to fracture one of his legs.  However dangerous it was though, this underground work was a job that had probably saved George's life, with the outbreak of World War One mining for coal became a reserved occupation which was deemed as utterly vital towards the war effort.  This meant that George was exempt from being called up to arms and probably prevented him from being killed in the trenches of France and Flanders as many other twenty-something year old young men would have been during the Great War.  

Having survived the great war without losing any relations on the battlefields, and with the start of the new decade, the 1930s, a great tragedy was still about to strike the family.  On the 22nd January 1933, Lizzie's foster-mother Catherine Davies passed away, aged 89, cause of death was Senile Decay, Lizzie herself was still just 39 years old, quite young to lose a mother.  The two daughters, Kate Laura and Mary Hannah would usually share a bed with their grandmother at Brynbach Cottage and they apparently discovered their grandmother dead beside them in their bed one morning.  What a shock that must have been to two young girls!  Towards the end of that same year, just two days before Lizzie & George's twentieth wedding anniversary, Lizzie's foster-brother Howell passed away too on 11th November 1933, aged 57, cause of death was bronchitis, emphysema and cardiac failure.  Finally, one more year later, Lizzie's sister-in-law Martha also died, on 28th November 1934, aged 63 from a diabetic coma.  Lizzie had just lost all of her foster-family within the space of 2 years.


At this turning point in the Jubbie family's life, in 1934, they uprooted themselves from the 'village in the valley', there was simply nothing to keep them there any more, no known family nor work either.  They moved southwards to Trimsaran Town, nowadays famous for its rugby union football heritage, but where it had then provided a guaranteed income down the coal mines for George and his working age sons Brinley and Emlyn.  The younger sons Howell John and Desmond were transferred from Bancffosfelen school to Trimsaran school where they still had another 3 or 4 years compulsory education to complete, while the two girls Kate Laura and Mary Hannah stayed at home helping Lizzie with housework as many young daughters did back in those days.  Then, one night when Lizzie was asleep, Kate Laura for some unknown reason decided it would be funny to cut off her mother Lizzie's long plaited hair as a practical joke with very predictable results!  They had a huge falling out over the incident, so much so that in 1934 or 1935 Kate Laura ran away from home.  She made her way across the Severn Channel into England and then travelled east towards London.  

George went looking for their runaway daughter and after a lengthy search he found her living in Hackney Shoreditch London.  She would not return home to Wales, because she had now seemingly found herself a boyfriend or fiancée by the name of Reginald Matthews.  So, George made an agreement with Kate Laura that she could remain living in London with the proviso that the whole Jubbie family would have to move down to London to be with her.  So, the Jubbie family moved to Hackney Shoreditch London in 1939 with the exception of young Desmond who had been evacuated to Northamptonshire due to the first ‘London Blitz’ and also excluding Brinley who had got married while living in Trimsaran and so decided to move away to Birmingham Warwickshire with his in-laws.  By the time George and Lizzie and the rest of the family had moved down to Hackney in 1939, Kate Laura had become married to the young man she was now with, Reginald Henry Matthews.  

With the outbreak of World War Two, the eldest sons Brinley, Emlyn and Howell John were conscripted into the forces and upon being demobilized in 1943/1944 they moved away from war-torn London.  Brinley moved back to Birmingham in Warwickshire with his wife Netta Mills, Emlyn moved to Bath in Somerset where he met his wife Evelyn Snook and Howell John moved to Nottinghamshire where he met his wife Nellie Hardwick.  Desmond Jubbie moved down from Northampton to Pinxton in Derbyshire where he met his wife Maude Wardle.  Mary Hannah also moved away, to Reading in Berkshire, with her new husband Benjamin Beards, Kate Laura and her husband Reginald Henry Matthews though remained living in the Hackney Shoreditch area of London, as did George and Lizzie Mary too, so that by 1948 Kate, Reginald, George and Lizzie were all living together in a typical terraced house of the time at Hoxton Street Shoreditch.  

Sadly, in August 1959 Lizzie Mary Jubbie passed away, aged 68, from heart failure coronary thrombosis at Pinxton in Derbyshire at the home of her youngest son Desmond.  By this time both George and Lizzie had left their daughter's home in London and had moved to ’the north’ to live with their youngest sons instead.  Yet more sadness was to come again that year, four short months later and just two days before Christmas Day 1959 George Jubbie passed away, aged 67, of heart failure chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis, at the home of his second youngest son Howell John in Kirkby-in-Ashfield Nottinghamshire.  George and Lizzie Mary Jubbie were laid to rest together in an unmarked grave at the cemetery of St Helen's Churchyard in Pinxton, Derbyshire.


Bancffosfelen Community Primary School, Bancffosfelen, Llanelli, Sir Gaerfyrddin, SA15 5DR: 

    Registers of Admissions, 1891-1930.

Birmingham Archives: 

    Electoral Registers, Saltley and Stechford, 1939-1973.

Bristol Records Office: 

    Clifton Industrial School Minutes, 38087 / NS /A2 / 2, 1900 and 38087 / NS /A2 / 3, 1909.

British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency, P.O. Box 9657, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, BC V8W 9P3:

    Ronald M Strange, 1959, age 70, Vancouver District, BCA no B13243, GSU no 2033300, REG no 1959-09-011056.

    Louise F Strange, 1977, age 80, Vancouver District, BCA no B13574, GSU no 2050828, REG no 1977-09-001715.

Carmarthenshire Archives:

    Electoral Registers, Llangendeirne, 1922-1934.

    Electoral Registers, Trimsaran, 1931-1938.

    Parish Registers of Saint Cyndeirne Llangendeirne, Registers of Burials, 1933-1934.

    Trimsaran Community Primary School, Registers of Admissions, 1931-1934.

Derbyshire Archives: 

    Parish Registers of Saint Helens Pinxton, Register of Burials, Page 10, 1959.

Ebenezer Chapel, Crwbin, Carmarthenshire, c/o Chapel Secretary, Ffrwdwen, Crwbin, Kidwelly, SA17 5EE: 

    Burial Ground;Grave Registers & Burial Registers, Page 1, 1921.

General Register Office of England and Wales, Civil Birth Registrations Index, 1837-1983:

    Catherine Davies, 1843, Dec Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 26.

    Martha Ann Strange, 1852, Sep Qtr, Newbury District, Volume 2c, Page 185.

    Elizabeth Strange, 1854, Sep Qtr, Newbury District, Volume 2c, Page 195.

    Henry Edward Strange, 1857, Mar Qtr, Newbury District, Volume 2c, Page 214.

    Ellen Strange, 1859, Mar Qtr, Newbury District, Volume 2c, Page 228.

    Kate Strange, 1861, Jun Qtr, Newbury District, Volume 2c, Page 205.

    Mary Strange, 1867, Jun Qtr, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 241.

    Henry Edward D Strange, 1884, Sep Qtr, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 525.

    Maud Helen Strange, 1886, Mar Qtr, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 559.

    Ralph Morton Strange, 1888, Dec Qtr, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 557.

    Reuben George H Strange, 1893, Dec Qtr, St George Hanover Square District, Volume 1a, Page 440.

    Daniel Albert Emmanuel, 1905, Sep Qtr, Llanelly District, Volume 11a, Page 1236.

    Catherine Mary Davies, 1908, Jun Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1374.

    Thomas John Davies, 1909, Dec Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1350.

    Brinley Jubbie, 1914, Mar Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2759.

    Kate L Jubbie, 1916, Jun Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2504.

    Eluned M Jubbie, 1918, Mar Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2309.

    Mary H Jubbie, 1920, Mar Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 3044.

    Emlyn Jubbie, 1922. Jun Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2325.

    Howell J Jubbie, 1924, Dec Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2170.

    Desmond Jubbie, 1929, Dec Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1745.

General Register Office of England and Wales, Civil Marriage Registrations Index, 1837-1983:

    Henry Edward Strange - Mary Pickett, 1851, Jun Qtr, Wantage District, Volume 6, Page 399.

    Henry Edward Strange - Eliza Mary Dawson, 1883, Sep Qtr, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 759.

    Anne Davies - Owen Emmanuel, 1900, Sep Qtr, Llanelly District, Volume 11a, Page 1581.

    Howell Davies - Martha Williams, 1907, Sep Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2068.

    Henry E Strange - Margaret A Cullum, 1911, Jun Qtr, hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 965.

    George Jubbie - Lizzie Mary Thomas,, 1913, Dec Qtr,  Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2395.

    Brinley Jubbie - Netta Mills, 1934, June Qtr, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 2341.

    Kate L Jubbie - Reginald H Matthews, 1936, Dec Qtr, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 956.

    Mary H Jubbie - Benjamin Beards, 1939, Dec Qtr, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 1421.

    Howell J Jubbie - Nellie Hardwick, 1945, Dec Qtr, Basford District, Volume 7b, Page 597.

    Emlyn Jubbie - Evelyn M Snook, 1946, Mar Qtr, Bath District, Volume 5c, Page 1143.

    Desmond Jubbie - Maude Wardle, 1953, Mar Qtr, Chesterfield District, Volume 3a, Page 372.

    Kate L Matthews - William J Hunter, 1959, Mar Qtr, Epping Forest District, Volume 5a, Page 3322.

General Register Office of England and Wales, Civil Death Registrations Index, 1837-1983:

    Martha Ann Strange, 1869, Dec Qtr, age 17, Abingdon District, Volume 2c, Page 203.

    Mary Strange, 1878, Jun Qtr, age 54, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 131.

    Henry Edward Strange, 1894, Sep Qtr, age 74, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 103.

    Eliza Mary Strange, 1901, Sep Qtr, age 40, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 288.

    Henry Edward D Strange, 1905, Jun Qtr, age 20, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 240.

    Anne Emmanuel, 1905, Sep Qtr, age 29, Llanelly District, Volume 11a, Page 587.

    John Davies, 1907, Jun Qtr, age 55, Llanelly District, Volume 11a, Page 563.

    Thomas John Davies, 1909, Dec Qtr, age 0, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 673.

    Maud Helen Strange, 1910, Mar Qtr, age23, hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 263.

    Ellen Strange, 1913, Mar Qtr, age 47, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 207.

    Eluned M Jubbie, 1921, Jun Qtr, age 3, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1156.

    Mary Strange, 1923, Jun Qtr, age55, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 121.

    Kate Strange, 1927, Mar Qtr, age 64, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 195.

    Elizabeth Strange, 1929, Mar Qtr, age 74, Bethnal Green District, Volume 1c, Page 254.

    Catherine Davies, 1933, Mar Qtr, age 89, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1665.

    Howell Davies, 1933, Dec Qtr, age 57, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1276.

    Martha Davies, 1934, Dec Qtr, age 63, Carmarthen District, Volume 11a, Page 1174.

    Margaret A Strange, 1935, Mar Qtr, age 82, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 501.

    Henry E Strange, 1936, Mar Qtr, age 79, Hackney District, Volume 1b, Page 536.

    George Jubbie, 1959, Dec Qtr, age 67, Basford District, Volume 3c, Page 84.

    Lizzie M Jubbie, 1959, Sep Qtr, age 68, Chesterfield District, Volume 3a, Page 165.

Library and Archives of Canada:

    Passenger Lists, 1865-1922, Microfilm T4778, Piece RG76C, Folio 5682, Vessel Laurentic, Quebec, July 1911.

London Metropolitan Archives: 

    Electoral Registers, Hackney and Shoreditch, 1939-1948.

    Special Schools Register, LCC/EO/SS/06/031-32, X095/552, 1900-1909.

    Westminster Union Workhouse: Admission and Discharge Books, WEBG/WM/054/002, 1870-1905.

    Westminster Union Workhouse: Creed registers, WEBG/WM/066/002, 1873 – 1908.

National Archives of the UK, Public Records Office:

    Board of Trade: Mines Department - Mines Inspectorate; Registers of Accidents, 1933

    1851 England Census: RG9, Piece 1689, Folio 375, Page 12.

    1861 England Census: RG10, Piece 232, Folio 20, Page 35

    1861 England Census: RG10, Piece 720, Folio 43, Page 12.

    1871 England Census: RG11, Piece 478, Folio 35, Page 63.

    1881 England Census: RG11, Piece 412, Folio 98, Page 9.

    1891 England Census: RG12, Piece 259, Folio 19, Page 31.

    1891 England Census: RG12, Piece 199, Folio 34, Page 61.

    1901 England Census: RG13, Piece 218, Folio 81, Page 13.

    1901 England Census: RG13, Piece 2370, Folio 140, Page 1.

    1901 England Census: RG13, Piece 282, Folio 133, Pages 24 & 25.

    1901 Wales Census: RG13, Piece 5110, Folio 28, Page 1.

    1911 England Census: RG14, Piece 1374, Schedule 270.

    1911 England Census: RG14, Piece 1080, Schedule 176.

    1911 Wales Census: RG14, Piece 33067, Schedule 2.

    1911 Wales Census: RG14, Piece 33009, Schedule 77.

NHS Information Centre, Smedley Hydro, Trafalgar Road, Birkdale, Southport, PR8 2HH: 

    The 1939 Register of England and Wales, otherwise known as The 1939 National Identity Card Registration.

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