Jubbie Genealogy

Genetic Genealogy Project
  • 22 members

About us


The most up-to-date nomenclature for the Jubbie paternal lineage at this current time is R-BY67014.


A new subclade has been identified beneath R-A5000 on the yDNA haplotree, and so the Jubbie paternal lineage has subsequently been refined to this new subclade, the R-BY36234 terminal SNP.


A significant autosomal DNA has been discovered which conclusively proves by DNA the theoretical link between the Jubbie/Strange family and the Pickett/Piggott family.  Please read the 'Results Tab' post of the same date for further details of this important development.


A significant Rogers autosomal DNA has been discovered, which alongside previous Rogers yDNA matches, provides further evidence that the Jubbie/Strange family and the Rogers family are indeed genetically related.  Please read the 'Results Tab' post of the same date for further details of this interesting discovery.


Three new subclades have now been identified beneath R-S16864/R-CTS4065 on the yDNA haplotree, and so the Jubbie paternal lineage has subsequently been refined to this new subclade, the R-A5000 terminal SNP.


Following some recent research a hypothesis has been produced which possibly identifies the birth parents of Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Lizzie Davies, 1892-1959.  For further information of this development please navigate to the 'Results Tab' post dated 25/01/2016 to read the proposed hypothesis.


Another new autosomal match joined the project, another transfer from AncestryDNA, and a grandchild of George Jubbie & Lizzie Thomas. This provides new genetic information for furthering this research. 


A new autosomal match joined the project, as a transfer from AncestryDNA, and a great-great-grandchild of George Jubbie & Lizzie Thomas.  This new genetic information provides the project with additional data for future research. A new yDNA match also joined the project and appears to be related via an NPE as a first or second cousin to another project member. This is a very exciting development for these two members and should help them to discover their common ancestor.


A new Rogers family yDNA match joined the project. This provides further evidence of an undiscovered link to the same Rogers family from Stratford-upon-Avon, England in the 1600s.


One new yDNA 67 marker match joined the project, please see the 'DNA results' tab to the left of this page for further information


The Jubbie Genealogy Genetic Genealogy Project was converted and upgraded to the new 'MyGroups' format from the older 'Gap2.0' webpage format. The web address for the project pages is accordingly updated to: www.familytreedna.com/groups/jubbie-genealogy


The first set of BigY SNP results were received from one member of the project. This has helped to uncover a potentially newer yDNA subclade within that of the previously discovered CTS4065. Please read the 'Results Tab' above for further information of these new results


One new yDNA 67 marker match joined the project, please see the 'DNA results' tab to the left of this page for further information


The narrative family history of George Jubbie alias Strange and Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Davies has been significantly updated.  This updated article can be found under the 'Background Tab' above and has been updated in line with recent research findings.


As part of the recent 52 ancestors phenomenon that began with the start of the new year, an article was published relating to the main ancestor of this project. The article entitled "George Jubbie alias Strange: Progenitor of the Jubbie Surname" can be found published within the 'Study Stories' section of The Surname Society website.  Any feedback on this article is most welcomed.


A new autosomal match was found with one project member at the level of 1st-cousin-once-removed (grandchild of George Jubbie & Lizzie Thomas).  This new genetic information provides the project with additional data for future research.


After an exhaustive search of the Civil Registration Indexes of Births for England and Wales, we might have found the birth entry that was originally registered for the abandoned orphan George Jubbie alias George Strange, 1893-1959. Please navigate your way to the'Background Tab' above for updated details of this.


FTDNA's new myGroups pages now includes the option to change data and results permissions for greater privacy and protection.  Therefore, the Jubbie Genealogy Project has taken full advantage of this update by enabling the 'Project Members Only!' option. From this point forward; data, results, and reports, will ONLY be visible to 'invited' members of the project that are logged in via their kit.  Logged-in members can then access data, results, or reports, by visiting the project group page from the Family Tree DNA website or by clicking the link in the “Manage Projects” section of the myFTDNA page.  This is an important step forward ensuring that control is kept in the hands of project members rather than in the hands of the project administrator(s).


Today sees the official launch of The Surname Society and The Jubbie Surname Study is now registered with them as one of the founding member projects.


Two project members recently matched each other via the autosomal Family Finder test as being 2nd cousins (great-grand-children of George Jubbie & Lizzie Mary Thomas). Their matching segments of autosomal DNA will provide the project with a 'genetic baseline' for future research.  This genetic baseline will help to identify other autosomal relations of George Jubbie and/or Lizzie Mary Thomas that are yet to be discovered.


Three project members now share the same Y-DNA SNP, R-CTS4065. These three members previously matched each other at the 65/67 marker level, and so this matching SNP designation is quite significant as it provides further evidence of shared ancestry along the paternal lineage.


Family Tree DNA released the new 2014 Y-DNA Haplotree in partnership with the National Geographic Genographic Project using their proprietary GenoChip which was originally launched in late 2012. The GenoChip tested 10,000 Y-DNA SNPs that had not, at the time, been phylogenetically classified.  In some cases, SNPs that were on the old 2010 Y-DNA Haplotree did not work well on the GenoChip so the team used Sanger sequencing on anonymous samples to test those SNPs and to confirm ambiguous locations.  Family Tree DNA will release at least one update to the tree this year and are committed to at least one update per year in the future.  Family Tree DNA will also move to shorthand haplogroup designations exclusively, using longhand that could change with each update would become too confusing.  There are over 1200 branches in the new 2014 Y Haplogroup tree, as compared to about 400 in the old 2010 tree. Please use the following link for further information about the methodology behind the 2014 Y-DNA Haplotree


Updated the haplotype for the maternal line of Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Davies to H3k1a.  This is according to recent mtDNA Full Genomic Sequence results and also in line with the most recent mtDNA phylogenetic tree, build 16, dated 19 February 2014, on the Phylotree.Org website maintained by Mannis Van Oven.


Updated the Y-haplotype for the paternal line to R-CTS4065.  This is according to the experimental Y-Phylogeny at Chris Morley's Y-SNP subclade Predictor and at the Morley Y-DNA Project website.


Circumstantial evidence based on a cluster of ydna 'Rogers' matches is beginning to suggest that the family whom George Jubbie 'might' have been related to was that of James Rogers, born 1614/1615 at Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire in England and died 1687 at New London, Connecticut in USA. Mr Rogers emigrated from London England to America in 1635 aboard the vessel "Increase". 

There has been much debate and disagreement surrounding the ancestry of the Rogers family but it is believed by some that James may have been the son of  Rev John Rogers, 1570-1636 from Dedham or Moulsham in Essex, England, who in turn could have been the son of John 'The Martyr' Rogers, 1500-1555 from Birmingham, Warwickshire, England.

There could be two scenarios for George Jubbie's genetic relationship to the Rogers family; Firstly, that one of James Rogers descendants that went to America must have returned back to London England sometime before the 1890s and that person was an ancestor to George Jubbie, or Secondly and more plausibly, that some relation of James Rogers, a brother or cousin for example, remained living in England rather than going to America and that individual was an ancestor to George Jubbie.


Updated the haplotype for George Jubbie's paternal line to Z-220.  This is according to the most recent Y-SNP haplogroup tree, version 9.21, dated 7th February 2014, from the ISOGG website


A large set of positive SNP results were added from National Geographic's Genographic Project. These redefined the Y-haplotype and confirmed that George Jubbie was in the R-P310 haplogroup (according to FTDNAs haplotree).


A list of sources to the documents and records mentioned in the Narrative Family History was added with all necessary references. Anyone who is interested can then find and access them for themselves. The source list is located at the end of the background tab which you will find listed at the top of this page.


The first set of mtDNA results were added to the project, putting Lizzie Mary Thomas alias Davies into the H (Helena) haplogroup. As usual, please see the 'DNA Results' tab to the left of this page for further information.


A narrative version of George's and Lizzie's family history was added to the project, this is found under the background tab listed at the top of this page.


On this day one hundred years ago the Jubbie family, as we know it, was begun with the marriage of George Jubbie and Lizzie Mary Thomas at the Carmarthen Register Office in Carmarthenshire Wales.  Since then there have been over 180 descendants across 5/6 generations, none of whom could have existed if they had not have met.


The project found three interesting yDNA matches, please see the 'DNA results' tab to the left of this page for further information.


The Jubbie Genealogy Project was begun on 1st October 2013.

Jubbie Genealogy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License  Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.familytreedna.com/privacy-policy.aspx  "Any Information and/or data obtained from "Jubbie Genealogy" must be attributed to the group administrator as outlined in the Creative Commons License.  Please notify the administrator when using data for public or private research"

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